The Hidden Cause of Pain in Lower Back (That No One Talks About)

pain in lower back

Ask anyone for the cause of pain in lower back, and they’ll spit out dozens of possible causes:

Sciatica, pulled muscle, herniated disc, bulging disc, arthritis, muscle knots – The list goes on and on.

But what’s the one thing all of these have in common?

Muscle Imbalances.

Most people have never heard about muscle imbalances, though most of us have them in some degree, no matter how fit or healthy we are.

Pain in lower back, even if it’s minor, should NOT be ignored. Your body is telling you that something is not working right.

Failing to treat pain in the lower back will most likely result in more pain and having to work much harder and longer to get back to your pain-free life.

I know this from experience.

What Are “Muscle Imbalances”?

You probably know that low back pain – or any health problem for that matter – develops as a process. This pain process begins with muscle imbalances.

Muscle imbalances in back happen when you have over developed muscles in one area of your back, while the opposing area is weak and stretched out of its normal position.

Here’s a short video featuring Jesse Cannone of The Healthy Back Institute, explaining simply how it happens:

How to Re-Balance Your Muscles

Try this analogy to understand muscle imbalances:

If the wheels of your car are out of alignment, the tread on your tires is going to wear unevenly. If you don’t get an alignment, eventually you’re going to have a blowout. The same principle applies for the lower back.

Taking pain killers, resting, applying heat and cold and even exercising randomly – Will NOT restore the balance and fix your problem permanently.

These will only bring you temporary relief until the next “attack” of low back pain, or until your doctor will declare that it’s time for surgery.

The way to get this “alignment” back is Muscle Balance Therapy.

What is Muscle Balance Therapy?

1. You are given the tools to self-assess all the muscles that effect the stability of your spine, pelvis and hips – Their strength and flexibility.

2. The system uses both visual and physical assessments to insure accuracy. At the end of this stage you will prove to yourself that you do have imbalances and postural dysfunctions. In short, you will find the ROOT cause of your pain.

3. The results of this assessment are used to design a specific program of corrective exercises – Tailored exactly for you.

4. You follow these exercises and get your back into proper balance again. You will have to commit to doing the exercises that are required. But, isn’t that better than facing surgery or potentially becoming addicted to pain killers?

Does it Work?

I can’t say that this will work for every one. For instance, it’s not relevant for lower back pain caused by an injury, because it has nothing to do with muscle imbalances, it has to do with trauma.

And maybe it will only bring partial relief for really severe cases of pain, but I can say that it definitely worked for my father.

After suffering from bulging discs for years, he is now pain-free.

Muscle Balance Therapy is a natural and safe treatment, costing a fraction of your long-term OTC pain killers and surgeries budget – And in my opinion – Worth every penny.

The Healthy Back Institute’s official website also offers a lot of free information that I recommend for you to check out as soon as you can.

To your health & happiness,



1 thought on “The Hidden Cause of Pain in Lower Back (That No One Talks About)”

  1. It did catch my attention when you said that ignoring lower back pains can result in more pain and can lead to a longer time before you can be pain-free again. My sister said that her lower back has been aching for a few days now. She said that his problem is hindering her from doing her daily activities normally. I will make sure to share your blog with her so she can consider seeing a professional.


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