3 Homemade Lower Back Pain Cream Recipes (That Work Quickly)

 homemade lower back pain cream
Have you had enough with pain pills and OTC pain relievers with all kinds of toxins in them?

Do you want to make your own homemade natural low back pain cream – in about 10 minutes?

You’ve come to the right place.

Making your own pain relief cream/lotion/oil is much easier than you think.

Here you’ll find the 3 best recipes I’ve ever tried and tested, and let me tell you – they all work great.

You can use your homemade pain reliever for achy low back muscles, painful joints, shingles, nerve pain, fibromyalgia and so much more – without any side effects (unless you’re allergic to something, of course).

The Critical Ingredient (Found in Your Kitchen) 

cayenne pepper for pain

Here’s the one ingredient that you’ll find in all of these fabulous recipes:

Cayenne Pepper.


Because Cayenne Pepper is a powerful, science-backed pain-blocking herb.

As you know, Cayenne Pepper is very hot and spicy.

The heat comes from capsaicin, which was found to reduce the amount of substance P, a chemical that delivers pain messages to the brain.

When you reduce the big P, the pain message no longer reaches the brain – and you feel dramatic relief.

So, make sure you have Cayenne Pepper in your kitchen, and you’re halfway ready to make your own pain relief lotion or massage oil.

Note: beware of applying Cayenne Pepper on broken skin, it’s going to hurt. Apply a small amount of any cream to test for skin irritation.

Try to use gloves when you prepare these recipes, and if you really want to look cool while you’re making them – goggles would be great. Better safe than sorry.

The 3 Best Homemade Lower Back Pain Cream Recipes

Ready? Here we go:

1. Mommypotamus DIY Warming Rub

warming rub for back pain

Heather, AKA the mommypotamus, has come up with this wonderful homemade (and effective!) pain relief massage oil, and you probably have most if not all the ingredients in your kitchen right now.

This recipe includes:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Cocoa Butter
  • Cayenne Powder
  • Ginger Powder
  • Peppermint Oil
  • Eucalyptus Oil
  • Clove Oil
  • Arrowroot Powder

This DIY cayenne infused muscle rub may take more than 10 minutes, but it’s well worth the effort and works wonderfully for my low back aching muscles.

See the full recipe and instruction HERE, the recipe includes beautiful big pictures and clear instructions – you’ll love it.

By the way, if you suffer from back muscle knots often, there are a few more effective home solutions you can add to this natural pain relief cream:

2. Learning Herbs Cayenne Salve

cayenne salve for back pain

This great pain relief salve is from Rosalee de la Foret from Learning Herbs, and is a bit similar to the first recipe, though with less ingredients.

I tried this recipe and felt a dramatic relief after 10 minutes!

According to Rosalee, Cayenne Pepper, when used topically, can relieve many different types of pain, including Diabetic Neuropathy, migraine headaches, arthritis, menstrual pain and of course – back pain.

You’ll need:

That’s all.

See this easy-to-make pain relief salve full instructions HERE.

3. One Good Thing by Jillee Pain Relieving Cream

back pain relief cream

Jillee from the amazing One Good Thing by Jillee blog has come up with this effective natural pain reliever for her teenage son, trying to help him deal with his back pain.

So, like her, add love to your list of ingredients. 🙂

This recipe does NOT include Cayenne Pepper, but it works great – and fast.

When the cream is cooled, it will become solid, but when you rub it on your back it will become liquid instantly.

You’ll need:

See the full instruction (and her gorgeous son) right HERE.

Note: if you’d like a pre-made all-natural pain relief cream – here’s one I highly recommend.

Long-Term Treatments for Lower Back Pain

While pain relief creams can help tremendously for lower back pain, the relief you’ll get is, unfortunately, only temporary.

To completely eliminate your lower back pain, you’ll have to find the real cause for it and add at least one of the following long-term natural treatments:

What do you think? Are homemade pain relief creams better than OTC creams and pain killers? Have you ever tried making one of these?

To your health and happiness,



2 thoughts on “3 Homemade Lower Back Pain Cream Recipes (That Work Quickly)”

  1. I have been using essential oils for my sciatica for 7 weeks now – although I still have pain, it is so much more manageble! I use castor oil as the carrier oil, about 2 tablespoons. I add 10 drops each peppermint, genarium, ginger, lavender, eucoluptus oils. For the first time in ages I no longer wake up in the miggle of the night with unbearable pain. Essential oils are the only method I will ever use to combat my pain!


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